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Did 2020 drop a load of trauma into your lap? 


Good. That is exactly where you need to be. The universe is trying to wake you up.


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Why this is happening to you?

Why do you wake up every morning wishing your life was different?

Shouldn't your life have meaning?

Why is it so empty?

Can you tell the difference between your intuition guiding you and your trauma misleading you?

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Most awakenings are the result of some sort of crisis in life.

It may be the loss of a loved one, a divorce, a business collapse, a near death experience, a spiritual revelation, a car accident or a natural disaster. It can be a terminal illness, loss of a job, intense physical or emotional distress. There are an infinite number of ways to shock the human system into awakening. 


But my guess is that by tomorrow morning you'll already have slipped back into your normal routines. Right? You'd just do whatever you've always done and stay locked in your uncomfortableness and hope it will all sort itself out somehow.


That's what most people do.

Or maybe you've finally had enough? You know it's time to leave the pain and suffering behind, but you don't know how to do it.


I DO! I went through my spiritual awakening 18 years ago and have been coaching clients through their spiritual awakenings for the past 15 years. I'm not going to let you go back to your old habits. I'm going to make sure you're successful by breaking them. I know how to help you break free of the pain and suffering you are going through. I know how to help you wake up. (If you think this is a big promise then keep reading!)

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Did you know the process of the Spiritual Awakening has a specific pattern of lessons to go through to help you to wake up to who you are? The purpose of spiritual emergence is to reveal your divine self to you and teach you how to connect with the divine in all things. You are beginning your spiritual journey and learning that there is a magical aspect behind the surface of life, but don't know where to start.


If you are hyper-sensitive to energy, feel so deeply that you get bombarded by negative people and loud noises or chaotic situations, wake up in the middle of the night at the same time on the clock and know deep down that you can sense more is happening than you can see, but can't put your finger on it, this program is for you. The universe is speaking to you and you are starting to take notice.

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This is how you will feel when you complete the program!

Spiritual Awakening Group Coaching Program:



WEEK ONE:​ The Power Of Protecting Yourself

  • You are not crazy. You are growing into your divine self: WHAT THIS MEANS AND HOW TO NAVIGATE IT.

  • Learn Psychic Protection That Works!

  • Understand how to stop energetic manipulation from people in your life.

  • Take control of yourself, and learn how to balance your body, mind and spirit: REIKI SESSION

  • Learn how to tell if your INTUITION is speaking to you and how to follow it.

WEEK TWO:​ Getting Reconnected

  • Create A System To Release Yourself From Suffering.

  • Learn how to sense and see energy and auras and how to use it to guide you!

  • Get connected with your ANGELS and SPIRIT GUIDES.

  • Understand how ANGELS and SPIRIT GUIDES speak to you through numbers and colours.

  • Get in the flow with SYNCHRONICITY and learn how to use it to guide you!

WEEK THREE:​ Standing In Your Power

  • Are you a Lightworker? FIND OUT!

  • Understand the Hero's Journey and how you are the HERO of your own story.

  • Become aware of who you are and take back your power!

WEEK FOUR:​ Putting It All Together

  • Q and A session.

  • Rediscovering the SACRED. The power of gratitude, joy and doing what you love to do!

  • Making MIRACLES your everyday: MANIFESTING!!!

4 weekly 90 minute group coaching sessions (Valued at $900)

BONUS #1: One 30 Minute Private Reiki Session To Initiate Balance In Your Body, Mind and Spirit (Valued at $125)

BONUS #2: FREE copies of my books "Enlightenment" and "Illumination" ($36)

(My story of spiritual awakening and how I've discovered the pattern that everyone takes on their journey into awareness)

BONUS #3: EMAIL ACCESS TO ME for the duration of the program and for

the rest of your life to answer all of your questions!! (Priceless!!)

(Total Value $1061)

 Only for $497 

(You won't get this program at this price ever again!)


Program Begins Sunday, February 7, 11am MST

(Online Zoom meetings. All classes recorded to view again later!)

The universe is trying to help you wake up. Learn how to see the world with new eyes and become a more empowered and confident you!


I will include a free bonus 30 minute reading!!!


  • Private coaching for all 4 sessions of the program at a time that works for you.

  • *PLUS 1 private reading and follow up session with me.

All For $697.00!!


I will include a free bonus 30 minute reading!!!


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