Spiritual Awakening Academy

At a deep spiritual level the Summer Solstice represents empowerment and honouring the light within.
It's an incredibly powerful time of the year that allows for positive transformation with alignment of higher light frequencies bringing immense soul growth.
Because Summer Solstice Soul Retrieval Activations are a powerful accelerator for the ascension process, it is possible at this time to recall and repair all aspects of your soul and anchor them into your physical self.
The potential for personal expansion and soul growth is at its peak over the next 7 days from now until the Solstice occurs on June 21st.
This is an opportunity like no other!
Summer Solstice Soul Retrieval Activations are rare chances to jump into a higher version and vibration of yourself RIGHT NOW!
*Summer Solstice Soul Retrieval Activations Are Only Available For A Limited Time, During The Summer Solstice Energy Window from Now Until June 21st.
Release And Clear Fear Held In Your Energy Body
Repair Fragmented Aspects Of Your Soul
Heals You At A Foundational Level
Restores Higher Consciousness
Creates Clearer Connection With Your Higher Self
Aligns You Directly With Your Guides And Angels
Heals Your DNA Source Blueprint
Connects You With Higher Dimensions
Raises Your Vibration To Assist In Ascension
Makes Manifestation Easier
The Incredible Summer Solstice Soul Retrieval Activation Meditations:
1. Release All Fear - Sent to your inbox the first day you sign up.
2. Repair Fragmented Soul Aspects - Sent to your inbox on the second day.
PLUS as a HUGE Bonus I'm including 3 More $111 Value.
3. Recall All Soul Parts From All Universes, Timeframes And Realities - Released on June 19th.
4. Realignment Of Your Energetic Grid - Released On June 20th
5. Solstice Boost Into the 5th Dimension - Released on June 21st.
For This Limited Time Only Activations Are Available For $27!
Yes Only $27!
So when you order today, you'll get 5 video meditations, a $180 value for only $27…
My Summer Solstice Gift To You!
Hit the button below and let's go!
What Customers Have Said...
"I instantly feel at peace when I hear your voice and I fall into bliss." Melanie
"It's like you knew exactly what I needed. Thank you!" Emily
"Carrieanne, you have a way of making difficult things seems so simple. I love learning from you!" Laurie
"I've been searching so long for this kind of deep and powerful information and you bring it forward every time! Thank you!" Ashley
"I love how I feel after doing energy work with you. I'm calm, relaxed, at peace, and feel an overall transformation that is unexplainable! I love it!" Jessie
"Carrieanne, your kind spirit is so soothing and makes transformation seem easy. I love being in your presence. Thank you so much for everything!" Alisha